RePete is Going Mobile


RePete is on its way to mobile devices soon. I have a port of it running right now on my iPhone!


Here’s the plan for RePete at this point:

  1. Make adjustments for screen size. Some messages and level elements don’t fit on the phone’s screen, and the menus will need to be entirely replaced for mobile devices.
  2. Integrate with mobile frameworks. I’ll be investigating how to connect RePete with mobile-only frameworks to enhance the iOS/Android version, for example, Game Center on Apple devices.
  3. Get Greenlit. This doesn’t have to do with the mobile version, but if I can push through and get RePete on Steam, I’ll have a lot more steam myself to finish the mobile version.
  4. Continue improving. I might look into adding new worlds with new gameplay mechanics, or updating some graphics, or adding to the soundtrack, or any number of things to make RePete even better.

Thanks for checking out RePete! Stay tuned for more info on the mobile ports. iOS version is confirmed for 2016, Android version is likely as well but with no definite timeframe.
